Oberhausen on Tour 2023
Sat, Jun 17
Double Screening Program of film of the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen

PIX FILM Gallery
Jun 17, 2023, 8:00 PM – 10:30 PM
Toronto, 1411 Dufferin St, Unit C. Toronto, ON M6H 4C7, Canada
Two programs : Art and Experiment | German Competition
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 8:00 pm
PIX FILM Gallery
1411 Dufferin Street Unit C, Toronto
(Pay what you can screening)
This year’s Art and Experiment programme assembles some of the most intriguing filmmakers who are currently working in the field of tension between film and art. At the beginning, Gustaf Broms asks in “Perforated Realities” how the Covid-19 virus could shake the foundation of an idea of civilisation. Katrin Winkler uses private footage of missionaries who accompanied colonisations in Africa to address the question of how the colouring came about and how it is shaped by power structures through different colonising actors.
Five works from the German Competition 2022 that deal primarily with the topics of work, migration and communication. In her trenchant “Muss ja nicht sein, dass es heute ist”, Sophia Groening shows the reality of life for young adults in Cologne-Finkenberg in a very unembellished way. Susann Maria Hempel asks herself in “Die Hüter des Unrats. Eine kurze Geschichte des Abfalls”, what it means for the reconstruction of human history if, thanks to a consistent recycling economy, no more waste is produced in the future. In the documentary “Las Flores”, Miguel Goya and Tina Wilke follow a group of young migrants in Berlin. Between selfies and fleeting voice messages emerges the fate of a youth who migrated to Europe in search of a better future.
Presented by PIX FILM Collective and the Goethe-Institut Toronto
Presented by PIX FILM Collective and Goethe-Institut Toronto